Content Strategist and Editor
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RedBrick work

RedBrick work


RedBrick was a health and well-being company located in Downtown Minneapolis, dedicated to helping people—and organizations—be healthy.

As a Content Editor, I was primarily responsible for the content maintenance of RedBrick’s Journeys® product, though I also worked in collaboration with the UX/Design and software development teams on a number of other projects. On all of my projects I took care to make sure our content was user-friendly, research-based, geared toward behavior-change, and had the RedBrick voice.

Several prototype screens from the Journeys® redesign initiative.

Challenge Unlocked

During the Journeys redesign, it was necessary to come up with celebration screens to indicate the user’s progress through a Journey. Now, once the user completes the appropriate number of steps, the challenge is unlocked.

Stage complete

Once the user completes the challenge, the next stage opens. In the original experience, each Journey and Journey stage had a unique “stage complete” message. In the redesign we created a generic series of messages that could be used across all Journeys.

Journey complete

At the end of each Journey, the user earns a badge. In the original experience, each Journey had a unique “Journey complete” message. In the redesign we created a generic message that could be used across all Journeys.


Mobile screens from a collaboration between Content, UX, and Engineering.
We needed error messages that were easy for users to understand, and also that would correctly explain what was happening as the user became progressively locked out of his or her account while attempting to sign in.


Screens from the health assessment.
Every two years all content objects needed review to maintain accreditation requirements. The health assessment required special editing to include updated health guidelines and a more careful approach to using plain English. The ”health bite” at the bottom of these screens are examples of writing I did based on research both online and with on-staff health coaches.